Два Капитана  by Veniamin Kaverin

Два Капитана

Veniamin Kaverin

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«Два капитана» — приключенческий роман писателя Вениамина Каверина, который был написан им в 1938—1944 годах[. Роман выдержал более сотни переизданий. Автор романа был награждён Сталинской премией второй степени (1946). Книга была переведена на многие иностранные языки.

Два капитана. (2021, May 30). In wikipedia. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki

The Two Captains (Russian: Два Капитана) is a novel written by Soviet author Veniamin Kaverin between 1938 and 1944. It is Kaverin's best known work and is considered one of the most popular works of Soviet literature, winning the USSR State Prize in 1946 being reissued 42 times in 25 years. The novel tells the story of a Russian youth, Alexander Grigoryev, as he grows up through Czarist Russia to the October Revolution to World War II. At the center of the story is Grigoriev's search for the lost Arctic expedition of Captain Ivan Tatarinov and the discovery of Severnaya Zemlya.

The Two Captains. (2021, July 5). In Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Two_Captains

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Suggested by 1 Russian learners

This novel is a beautiful love letter to Russia. A story of discovery and growing up for the protagonist Alexander Grigoryev, starting in search of a lost Arctic expedition. It chronicles the development from Czarist Russia all the way to World War 2 through the characters’ unwavering determination, and is a wonderful book to improve your Russian!
