Bodas de Sangre  by Federico García Lorca

Bodas de Sangre

Federico García Lorca

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Bodas de sangre es una tragedia en verso y en prosa del escritor español Federico García Lorca escrita en el año 1931.Se estrenó el 8 de marzo de 1933 en el Teatro Beatriz de Madrid por la Compañía de Josefina Díaz y Manuel Collado y escenografía de Santiago Ontañón, que en 1938 fue llevada al cine por Edmundo Guibourg, protagonizada por la musa lorquiana Margarita Xirgu.

Bodas de sangre. (2021, May 25). In Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre.

Blood Wedding (Spanish: Bodas de sangre) is a tragedy by Spanish dramatist Federico García Lorca. It was written in 1932 and first performed at Teatro Beatriz in Madrid in March 1933, then later that year in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Theatre critics often group Blood Wedding with Lorca's Yerma and The House of Bernarda Alba as the "rural trilogy". Lorca's planned "trilogy of the Spanish earth" remained unfinished at the time of his death, as he did not include The House of Bernarda Alba in this group of works.

Blood Wedding. (2021, June 1). In Wikipedia.

👍 1

Suggested by 1 Spanish learners

This book is a Greek-style tragedy about two men’s furious love for a girl, the bridge. There is all the love, action, plot twists and fighting of any great play, so I would definitely recommend this book to keep you gripped throughout and help you improve your Spanish!
