小王子 (中英法三语插图本) by Antoine de Saint-Exupery (周克希 译)

小王子 (中英法三语插图本)

Antoine de Saint-Exupery (周克希 译)

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《小王子》(法語:Le Petit Prince、英語:The Little Prince),是法国贵族作家、诗人、飞行员先驱安托万·德·圣修伯里创作的最著名的小说,发表于1943年。作为法语书籍中拥有最多读者和译本的小说,《小王子》曾当选为20世纪法国最佳图书。它是世界最畅销的图书之一,被翻译成250多种语言和方言[2],全世界迄今已售出两亿多册,年销售一百多万册。[3][4][5] 聖修伯里作为法国最有名的幾個文学奖的得主与第二次世界大战起始时的预备役飞行员,在法国沦陷自己流亡美国时完成了本书的手稿。其大半的著名作品都是其时在感情剧变和健康恶化的状况下写出的,这之中就包括那个关于一个跑到地球来的小王子的有关孤独、友情与得到而又失去的爱的感人小故事。[6] 自小说发布以来,《小王子》已經被广泛改编为廣播劇、舞台剧、电影、电视剧和芭蕾舞剧、音樂劇等各种形式。

小王子. (2021, February 16). In 维基百科,自由的百科全书. https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B0%8F%E7%8E%8B%E5%AD%90

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Suggested by 1 Chinese (Mandarin) learners

I was first introduced to the book by my host family and an alumna of NSLI-Y, a language immersion program for high school students. She told me that this was a great way to pick up on vocabulary WHILE having fun. The first time I read the book was with my host family! My host mother lent me this exact French-English-Chinese book that the family had bought for my one-year-old host sister. It was not a mistake. Some of the most popular books in China are translations. I cannot emphasize how vital this book has been for my language learning journey!
