Lexody is a French - English language exchange network for the modern language learner. Find cool people like you, who speak your target language.
Find speakers of English or French, who want to learn the language you speak.
Once connected, you can chat unlimitedly and schedule as many meetings as you want!
Meet up in person and speak for 30 minutes in English, then 30 minutes in French.
Immerse into a real conversation
Everyone speaks a language fluently. You can offer the simple gift of conversation, in exchange for practicing conversation with someone, who is learning your native language!
Find native English speakers, who want to practice speaking in French. Help them to improve their French, and in exchange they will help you to improve your English!
Are you learning French?
Find native French speakers, who want to practice speaking in English. Help them to improve their English, and in exchange they will help you to improve your French!
Real conversations & real immersion
Spend 30 minutes speaking ONLY in one language. This allows you time to think, speak, and listen in your target language. Making mistakes, and not understanding is how you learn and grow your language skills!